Kehillat Bet Hamidrash Synagogue

Mission & Goals

Our Mission

The purpose of Kehillat Bet Hamidrash, Kempsville Conservative Synagogue, shall be to conduct worship of G-d in accordance with the faith of Judaism as practiced by the Conservative Movement; to cultivate love for and understanding of our Jewish heritage and Eretz Yisrael; to stimulate fellowship in Jewish people everywhere; to fulfill all possible Jewish religious and educational needs of its membership; and to be a community organization based on principles of personal participation in and commitment to the study of Torah and observance of Judaism as a way of life.

Goals and Objectives

  • Affirm our commitment to, and participation in, the tenets and activities sponsored and encouraged by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
  • Provide for the observance of Shabbat and holidays in the synagogue.
  • Advance the cause of Judaism to assure Jewish existence
  • Foster the home as expressed in traditional Jewish existence
  • Promote Jewish learning for all ages to stimulate Jewish understanding and observances.
  • Stimulate congregants to involve themselves in matters of social justice, public policy, and communal concerns as a reflection of the will of G-d.